" Live deliberately is an urging not to let the
physical universe or other people dictate the
design of your private universe.   
Wake up!"

                                                            -- Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar® Materials

Expected Results of Avatar®

  Manage your beliefs and live deliberately.

  Understand yourself more completely.

  Free yourself of self-sabotaging behaviors.

  Take control of your life.

  See others as they truly are.

  Achieve a meditative mind state and peak experiences at will.

  Stay calm even while others are losing their cool.

  Magnetize your mind to attract what you desire.

  Recognize and resolve self doubts.

  Pull your own strings and run your own life.

  Live deliberately, proudly, and boldly.

Read what people are saying about Avatar
Visit www.avatarresults.com

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Avatar®, ReSurfacing®,and Star's Edge International® are registered trademarks of
Star's Edge International. All rights reserved.  

Questions or comments about this Web site may be directed to avatarawakenings@aol.com